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Wiki ID: 57
Author: SeeMeCNC
Revision ID: 235
Revision Date: 12-29-16
How-To's for installing machine elements and upgrades as well as using those upgrades are in here. As much as possible, we work to design componenets that will/are forward and backward compatible and will work on our different models of 3D printers.
Rostock Max v3 Maintenance
2018 HE280 Assembly
Artemis 300 Touch Screen KIT Installation
Artemis Dual 2 into 1 Installation
Assembling the Flexible Resin Reservior
Carbon Fiber Arm Installation for DUET Printers
Carriage Assembly
EZR Struder
HE280 Assembly
Installing the Ball-Joint Delta Arms (new 10/15)
LCD Enclosure
Max Hax #1: Hot End Quick Disconnect
Orion Delta HE280 Hotend Upgrade
REV 10 Heated Bed
REV 8 / 9 Heated Bed
Retro-Fit SE300 v1.3 - 1.4 connector and whip
Rostock Max v1/v2 HE280 Hotend Upgrade
RostockMAX v3.2 Touch Screen KIT Installation REV B MAY2018
RostockMAX v3.2 Touch Screen SD Kit REV A Installation Guide
RostockMAX v3/3.2 AC Heated Bed Installation
SE300 Build Guide
SE300 Whip Fix (for whips before 7-10-2018)
SE300 Whip Kit Assembly
Upgrade v3 to v3.2
Upgrade whip to V1.4 SE300
Upgrading with the Injection Molded Carriage Kit
Past 24 Hours: 0
Past 7 Days: 3
Past 30 Days: 11
All Time: 14,600