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Editing Step 49 —

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NOTE: If you purchased a machine after 8/22/2018 you will not need to install the 5A or 15A fuses. Your kit may not come with them, and will come with a blank side panel instead. The fuses are now built in to the Duet board. If this is the case, skip this step, we'll revisit this later in Step 50.

Install the fuse holders as shown.

Solder the 20awg red wire from the hotend and the extra short length of 18awg red wire in your kit to the HOT END 5A fuse holder location, indicated by the COMIC SANS laser etched into the wood.

Solder the 12awg black wire from the Y tower and the extra short length of 12awg black wire in your kit to the HEATED BED 15A fuse holder location, indicated by the typeface that's been out of style since the 90s.

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