| [* 1] The first probe macro will do a 10 point calibration (single tapping), then do a large bed map (double tapping), then a final 10 point calibration (double tapping). It will take about 5 minutes to run all the way through. Don't worry, future calibrations go much faster. |
| [* 9] The first probe macro will automatically pre-heat the bed. |
| [* 1] Test your calibration by putting a sheet of paper on the bed and running: "G0 Z0" in the gcode console. Your nozzle should just touch and pinch the paper so it's hard to move. If it's too loose, run the following GCode: "G31 P100 X0 Y0 Z-0.1", then run "G32" to recalibrate, then "M500" To save all your current calibrations and settings. |
| [* 1] If it's too tight, you want to try "G31 P100 X0 Y0 Z-0.3", then run "G32". If it's still too tight, make the number after Z a larger negative number. If it's still too loose, make it a smaller negative number. |
| [* 1] After your initial calibration, you can calibrate by clicking the "Auto Delta Calibration" button, or by sending "G32" in the gcode console. |
| [* 10] You might see a line or two that says the Height Error Difference was above the maximum tolerance. Don't worry about them - if there's a real problem it will abort the calibration. |