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+[title] Tuning the hot end heater
+[* 1] Next we're going to tune your printer for the highest temperature you commonly print at. To tune the hot end heater, click on "G-Code Console" on the left, then where it says "Send G-Code", enter: ***M303 H1 P0.8 S230*** (Change 230 to the hot end temperature you want to tune for) and click "Send"
+[* 1] The heater will go in to tuning mode and will come up to temperature and then back down to room temperature to tweak the heater settings
+[* 9] Don't PID tune for higher than 270 degrees as it will overshoot the maximum allowable temperature - this will still allow you to print at 280 degrees.
+[* 10] You might get a warning about the heater being overpowered. You can safely ignore this.

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