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+[title] Initial Setup
+[* 1] Check that your hot end probe is working properly. Tap upwards on the bottom of the nozzle and you should see a blue LED flash on the hot end. If you don't check your whip and probe wiring. If your wiring looks correct, contact support.
+[* 1] Open a web browser (we recommend Chrome) and download the newest config files here:
+[* 1] Open a new tab and enter the IP Address of your printer. When the page loads, click on "Settings" in the lower left of the screen. Click on the "Upload Files" button, and upload the file that you just downloaded.
+[* 1] Once it's uploaded, you will be prompted to reboot the Duet. Click yes. After about 10 seconds, click the Refresh button on your browser and your printer will be running with the new config files.

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