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Changes to Step #26

Edit by SeeMeCNC

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[title] Figuring Out the Final Four Wires
[* 1] We now need to determine the final four existing hotend wires, and which is which in the bottom and top of the printer.
[* 1] Of the four wires, they will be used for: Layer Fan, PS-ON, and (2) for I2C communication.
-[* 1] To start determine which of the wires is connected to the Fan 0 - location on the RAMBo board. Use your multimeter for this determination. After you have determined which of the existing wires it is, label the wire. (I used a post it note shown in step 27 to label the wires)
+[* 1] To start determine which of the wires is connected to the Fan 0 - location on the RAMBo board. Use your multimeter for this determination. After you have determined which of the existing wires it is, label the wire Layer Fan/Orange. (I used a post it note shown in step 27 to label the wires)