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Changes to Step #11

Edit by Caleb Fairres

Edit approved by Caleb Fairres


Step Lines

[title] Crimping the Thermistor Wires
[* 1] Strip about 5mm of the existing white 26awg thermistor wires exiting the Y tower (that you snipped from the old bed)
-[* 1] Use the included SL terminals and a pair of crimpers to crimp the terminals to the ends of the white wires.
[* 1] Be sure the thermistor wires are about 400mm in length from where they exit the Y tower.
+[* 1] Use the included ***26205 SL Crimp Terminals for Molex Latching Connectors*** and a pair of crimpers to crimp the terminals to the ends of the white wires.
+[* 1] House them in the